Go Back to Where It All Began
The origins of the world’s modern LGBTQIA+ identity movement lie in Berlin. Traceback our history to better understand where we are coming from.
Reconnect With Your History
Beaten to Death. Silenced to Death. Queer and trans history are often ignored and deliberately forgotten for a reason: People who don’t know their history are easier to discriminate against. Break the cycle of ignorance and learn about our movement’s history!
Discover “the World’s First Gay Man”
Explore the life of Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, how he developed the world’s first queer and trans identities, and how he fought against the criminalization of homosexuality. Understand how this laid the cornerstone for our global movement.
Explore the World’s First Trans Identities & Gender Affirmation Surgeries
Learn who coined the terms “transvestite” and “transexualism”. Discover so-called “transvestite certificates” and the story of Lili Elbe, Dora Richter, and Karl M. Baer, the world’s first trans people to undergo gender affirmation surgeries.
Learn About the Science Behind Intersex & Non-Binary
Get to know sexual scientist Magnus Hirschfeld’s theory of “sexual intermediaries” and why the world today would think completely differently about gender and non-binary identities if the Nazis had not destroyed this young movement.
Understand the Impact of 1920s Berlin’s Lesbian Life on the World
Discover the vibrant lesbian life in the Roaring Twenties and how Marlene Dietrich popularized their fashion style internationally. Get to know Germany’s most famous lesbian singer Claire Waldoff and the story of bisexual Black dancer Josephine Baker.
Find Out What Happened in Nazi Germany
Understand Hitler’s contradictory relationship to homosexuality, why there were openly gay Nazis, and what happened to LGBTQIA+ people in the Nazi concentration camps.
Grasp the Trauma of the AIDS Crisis
Better understand why an entire generation of gay and bisexual men was traumatized by the AIDS crisis, how the West-Berlin nightclub SchwuZ became the center of activism, and why the Berlin Wall was referred to as the condom of the GDR.
Discover How Berlin’s LGBTQIA+ Community Shaped the City’s World-Renowned Nightlife
From the trans community’s “Chez Romy Haag” and its nightlife revolution to the Metropol’s gay community; from SO36’s Gayhane to the emergence of Berghain as the world’s most famous club: Gain an appreciation for the influence of the queer and trans communities to Berlin’s internationally acclaimed nightlife – and learn about where to best go out in Berlin today.
Join a Queer Activist, Certified Social Scientist, and Sex Educator Tour Guide
My name is Jeff, I studied sociology and gender studies and focused a lot on sexuality and queer theory. I am also a certified sex educator and freelance journalist about queer life in Berlin, as well as a longtime LGBTQIA+ activist. During my tour, I’ll share with you my knowledge accumulated from more than a decade’s worth of research.
Enjoy a Fun Day with Augmented Reality
This guided tour is enhanced with selected Augmented Reality elements. Over your tour guide’s iPad’s camera, you’ll see the world in front of you with Augmented Reality elements over it. For instance, you can demonstrate alongside queer activists of times gone by. Or you can see the building in front of you how it looked like 100 years ago. You can also take pictures of yourself with the Augmented Reality elements as a souvenir from the tour. (Powered by ZAUBAR)
Languages: English, German